Tuesday, October 22, 2013

how can i Convert my Blog Into Brand

Name of your blog is something which give its recognition. It is essentially very important for blog branding If you are going to start your blog, then I would suggest you to pic a unique and original name. The one with some meaning and some value to it. There are many big names like mashable, techcruch, plentyofish, shoemoney and many more. If for some reasons it is not available, you can go for .org or .net website. There are many famous blogs/website which have .org and .net extensions.
Having a domain name which is short, memorable, easy to spell, meaningful and off course on the topic. It is not that hard task to find a name matching this criteria. Competition is really tough out there. It will help you to compete with millions of blogs.

Niche of your blog is really important and a key factor. I always recommend people to go to unique content and write original article. We are talking about the niche of the blog/website. If you are passionate about something you must write about it.
Many time I saw people are making there site multi-topic. Even big sites are not doing that. I am sorry I am not judging you but focusing on single topic can be easy rather than several topic. If you have a team of writers with you . You must do it.
Big sites like tech cruch, mashable, gigaom, Problogger , lifehacker are single topic. They publish article on single topics. Having specific topic blog can help you target users. You can also perform good SEO and you might rank high on Google.
So if you planning to launch a blog. Stick to the single topic. Don’t go for multi-niche site. Beside that I would suggest for creating a separate site for that. Moving on to the next topic.

Way of Presentation & Design 
There is a saying that “first impression is the last impression”. But people usually don’t take it seriously. It is the common thing which is consider to judge a blog. If you have a fantastic theme, professional logo and nice way of content presentation. I am sure people gonna like it.
If we take the example of some big brands they have everything so perfect. Layout , design, logo, content presentation everything is so perfect. It is like a picaso painting you can stare for hours.
Go for a premium theme. There might be thousands of blog running on the same theme. Tweak you theme , play with colors , may be change the fonts. It is not because you are obnoxious but you are doing it because you want to stand out of the crowd.
Use your logo on social media sites. Facebook fan page, twitter, pinterest, google +. If you have newsletter use your own font and logo for better presence.

There are many ways to promote your blog through social media, commenting , guest posting, forum posting and many more.
Where social media will help you in connecting targeted audience. You can ask your friends to follow, like and subscribe to your blog. On other hand commenting is also great way to meet new people and make relation with them. It will help you gain some referral traffic. There are many people out there who make it large just by consistency and via their good relation with other bloggers.
Guest blogging or guest posting will is another great way to promote your work . If you write good article people will likely to visit your blog for more related content. It is the easiest way to build authority for your blog. You gain the attention of both blog admin and blog users.
This is the proven way to gain some traffic to your blog. You are creating backlink , promoting it and building some traffic for your blog.
If we talk about Forum posting it is somewhat different from all the above ways. You can refer other people on forum to your work if it is relative. Digital point forum and Warrior forum are the best place to start it.
You can also use some offline methods for promoting your blog. Wall painting, Flyers , paper ads, SMS , Stickers, are some cheap yet effective ways to promote your work. There are may gigs on marketplace sites like Fiverr which offer related services for $5. Beside that if you are willing to invest some money you can use clothing gear with your brand on it. I have seen many bloggers using this methods. They have their blog logo on their t-shirt or jacket.
It is the effective and effortless method of promoting blog. Along with that you can buy local news ad space for more effective results.


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